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Dwyan Alford
Full Stack Web Developer

Most Recent Projects

Continuously learning and integrating new technologies like chatGPT and other AI tools.

Digital Canvas: Web Portfolio

Each line of code, every design element, and the careful selection of tools play a pivotal role in shaping this online presence. I'm thrilled to unveil the inner workings of my portfolio website. Join me as we dissect the technologies that power this digital canvas


  • Next.js: Leveraged Next.js, a React framework, to build a fast and SEO-friendly single-page application that enhances user experience.
  • Responsive Design: Using media queries and Tailwind CSS classes for optimal user experience across devices.
  • Dynamic Content: Allowing easy updates and addition of new projects, experiences, and sections without code changes.
  • Data Management: Organized and managed data with JavaScript objects
  • Scroll Animations: Added scroll animations for the 'Read More' button, providing a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
  • Smooth Deployment: Deployed the site smoothly using platforms like Vercel
  • And much more!

Video: Unveiling My Web Portfolio (7.57)

Technologies Used:

The portfolio Frontend site was created using Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, React Icons, React Router, JavaScript (ES6+), CSS Variables, Media Queries, JavaScript Objects, Data Files, Vercel for deployment and hosting, smooth scrolling animations, conditional rendering, scroll animations, meta tags, structured data, custom React components, and Next.js routing.

Stacks on Stacks Capstone

We tested an e-Commerce app, using BDD with Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG/Junit for front-end End to End tests. Backend endpoints were tested with Postman. Agile/Scrum methodologies were followed with Trello for sprint management


  • Wrote Cucumber/Gherkin feature files and Java code for Selenium End-2-End tests.
  • Automated black-box testing for website's Products Controller API endpoints.

Video: Stacks on Stacks Capstone Presentation (2:36)

Technologies Used:

Gherkin, Cucumber, Selenium, Java, Agile-Scrum, Postman, JUnit

MicroBlaug - Microblogging Site

The project tackles cluttered blogging sites. Users can sign up, log in, write posts, view/comment on others' posts, and see timestamps. The app is designed as a single-page application to enhance user experience. The backend handles user requests and updates the database for a seamless and interactive blogging experience.


  • Wrote Cucumber/Gherkin feature files and Java code for Selenium End-2-End tests.
  • Designed user-friendly home page for posting and commenting.
  • Developed backend web API with database connectivity.
  • Documented in reports (RTM, Test Case Design Document, and Defect Reports).

Video: Microblogging Site Presentation (3:37)

Technologies Used:

Javalin, Java, JavaScript, Selenium, Cucumber, Gherkin, JUnit, SQL, Agile-Scrum


Exciting news! Talented developers completed a prototype of a Test Case and Bug Reporting system. I will test the application and write automation tests to facilitate regression testing. Given a dev environment with API access, I'll address visual, logical bugs.


  • Developed a comprehensive Test Case Document outlining tested scenarios, steps, and results.
  • Generated a Defect Report for tracking and prioritizing identified bugs.
  • Implemented Automated End-2-End tests using Java, Selenium, and Cucumber with Gherkin feature files.
  • Presented the final results, demonstrating automated testing and addressing questions from a panel.
Backup Image


Technologies Used:

Java, Selenium, Agile-Scrum